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Deep Energy Retrofits


Selecting the right construction partner will be your most important decision to lay the foundation for your project’s success. Drawing from experts across the country and collaborating with local offices, Bird’s diverse self-perform capabilities fully deliver the following experience:

  • Full building retrofit
    – light retrofits (10% – 30%)
    – medium retrofits (31% – 50%)
    – deep retrofits (51% – 80%+)     
  • Energy Monitoring and analytics, to optimize system performance
  • Inhouse mechanical and electrical system subject matter experts and self-perform capabilities
  • Sustainability, renewable energy and low carbon solutions
  • Managing incentives from utilities and government agencies including Canadian Infrastructure Bank and other programs
  • Energy modelling
  • We endorse collaborative contracting models that promote innovation and early contractor involvement to drive value. Recommended models include design-build, progressive design build, Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) or Early contractor involvement (ECI).





Solutions for all levels of Energy Reduction

in GHG emissions and energy costs


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Let Bird’s Deep Energy Retrofit team be your trusted delivery partner.




Project Experience

70% reduction

in energy consumption and zero carbon building


80% reduction

in energy consumption and zero carbon building


90% of annual

heating and cooling needs supplied by thermal energy from wastewater



Sustainable & Environmental Projects



Project Finance Experience includes:


13 P3s

Arranged financing over

$4 billion



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