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Burke Condo


Sherbourne & Howard – Burke Condo

The project consists of a residential development with three heritage homes on the site. The property is improved with five levels of underground parking and a 53-storey point tower consisting of 501 units, a retail area and an extensive amenity space.


Major Construction Phases

Activity Estimated Start Date Estimated Duration
Shoring and Excavation Summer/Fall 2021 14 months
Concrete Formwork Summer 2022 27 months
Exterior and Interior Finishes Fall 2023 25 months
Overall Project Summer 2021 55 months


Potential Road Closures

Red Rocket Lane daily closures from 7:00am to 7:00pm daily.


Construction Hotline

This service will be available during regular business hours (9:00am to 5:00pm only)


Progress Photo

Burke condo amenities Burke condo progress Burke condos progress Burke condos rendering Burke condos rendering Burke condos rendering Burke condos rendering
Burke tower