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Soldiers Pond Civil Earthworks

As part of the Muskrat Falls project, the Soldiers Pond site will be able to convert high-voltage direct current electricity for long-distance transmission to alternating current electricity for market on the island of Newfoundland. This project is part of the high-profile Labrador-Island Transmission link.

Nalcor Energy
SNC-Lavalin Inc.
Contract Type
Unit Price
Project Size
9 months
Project Value

Bird Heavy Civil was awarded the civil earthworks portion, which included site grading and associated work for the new substation, consisting of a 230 kV AC switchyard, a 350 kV HVDC converter yard and a synchronous condenser facility. The major work items included 240,822 square metres of clearing, 280,022 square metres of grubbing, bog and muskeg removal, 93,781 cubic metres of rock excavation, 520,787 cubic metres of common excavation, 498,755 cubic metres of fill placement and 84,436 cubic metres of rock drill and blast. A site access road and 1,980 metres of temporary roads, as well as a borrow pit with 10,353 square metres of riprap used to protect against erosion, were also completed.

During the project, Bird Heavy Civil experienced more than double the expected rock excavation and blast quantities. To minimize the impact on the schedule, Bird Heavy Civil assembled more equipment on-site. Moreover, Bird Heavy Civil's rapport with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), Local 1620, positively influenced the project as little to no downtime was experienced, allowing the project to be completed on schedule.