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Manitoba Hydro System Control Complex

The facility is self-sufficient and designed to withstand a Category F5 tornado. The mechanical and electrical systems have several back-up components. The main feature of the building is the large central control room, which operators use to monitor the system status on large projection screens.

Manitoba hydro
number ten architectural group
Contract Type
stipulated sum
Project Size
6,131 sq. m.
(66,000 sq. ft.)
15 months
Project Value
Landscape and Corner Facade of Brick with Flagpoles

The building is founded on driven piles designed to provide uplift retention in the event of severe weather. Grade beams support massive reinforced concrete walls that surround the critical components of the facility operations. A combination of structural steel and concrete roofs with strategically located blast panels complete the secure enclosure of the complex. A separate structure on the property houses the duplicate power facilities for the building and is backed up by dual diesel generators in the event of a local power failure.